Publications from the Cal-CORE network
Shennan, C., J. Muramoto, G. Baird, M. Zavatta, L. Toyama, A. Gershenson, M. Los Huertos, S. Kortman, K. Klonsky, M. Gaskell, S.T. Koike, R. Smith, and M. Bolda. 2015. CAL-Collaborative Organic Research and Extension Network: on-farm research to improve strawberry/vegetable rotation systems in coastal California. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), In review.
Nieto, D.J., Bryer, J.A, Slay, C., Shennan, C., Muramoto, J. and Honda, J.Y (In review) Beneficial and Pest Larval Species Common to Broccoli on the California Central Coast. Extension Publication
Eldon, J. and A. Gershenson (2015) Effects of Cultivation and Alternative Vineyard Management Practices on Soil Carbon Storage in Diverse Mediterranean Landscapes: A Review of the Literature, Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 39:5, 516-550, DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2015.1007407
Muramoto, J., Gliessman, S.R., Koike, S, Shennan, C., Klonsky, K. and Swezey, S.L. 2014. Integrated biological and cultural practices can reduce crop rotation period of organic strawberries. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 38:603-631
Pisani Gareau, T., Letourneau D.K. and Shennan, C. 2013. Relative densities of natural enemy and pest insects within California hedgerows. Environmental Entomology. 42(4):688-702
Muramoto, J. and Gaskell, M. 2012 Nitrogen Management in Organic Strawberries. in Organic Strawberry Production Manual. pp.43-53. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA.
Muramoto, J., Gliessman, S.R., Shennan, C. et al. 2012. The Organic Research Network Project on the Central Coast of California Acta Horticulturae 1001:35-45.
Muramoto, J., Smith, R., Shennan, C., Klonsky, K.M., Leap, J., Silva Ruiz, M and Gliessman S. R. 2011. Nitrogen Contribution of Legume/Cereal Mix Winter Cover Crops and Organic Fertilizers to an Organic Broccoli Crop. Hortscience 46:1154-1162
Gliessman, S.R. and Muramoto, J. 2010. California (U.S.): The conversion of strawberry production. p.117-131, In: S.R. Gliessman and M. Rosemeyer (eds.), The Conversion to Sustainable Agriculture, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Pickett, C.H., Swezey, S.L., Nieto, D.J., Bryer, J.A., Erlandson, M., Goulet, H., and Schwartz, M.D. 2009. Colonization and establishment of Peristenus relictus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for control of Lygus spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) in strawberries on the California central coast. Biological Control 49:27-37
Swezey, S. L., Nieto, D.J., and Bryer, J.A. 2007. Control of western tarnished plant bug Lygus hesperus knight (Hemiptera : Miridae) in California organic strawberries using alfalfa trap crops and tractor-mounted vacuums. Environmental Entomology. 36:1457-1465
In the news
Article appeared in the Salinas Californian in 2014 - "Broccoli: Good for you and organic strawberries"
A piece discussing ASD as an alternative to soil fumigants in the strawberry industry.
"The Future Strawberry: Will the Loss of a Major Pesticide Help the Industry to Go Green?"